Sunday, July 8, 2012

Jurassic Park Review

      A fixture in popular culture, Jurassic Park is famous both in its own right, and for the movie adaptation directed by Steven Spielberg. While movies confuse me, the book actually isn't half bad. It was consistently interesting and engaging; I only fell asleep once while reading. The characters were likable enough, especially Ian Malcolm, some kind of math nerd, who I found quite humorous, despite the fact that I think I bullied him during my 5th year of high school.
     However, both author Michael Crichton and rich owner of the titular park John Hammond are losers. I mean, what kind of grown man spends this much time thinking about dinosaurs? I gave up dinosaurs in the third grade when I banged my 16-year-old sister's friend under our trampoline.
     Anyways, the book was pretty good for something aimed at 10-year-olds. Speaking of little kids, the girl, Lex, in the book was one of the most annoying literary characters ever. She whined about everything, almost got everyone killed countless times, and was a bitch to her younger brother (who, admittedly, was kind of a nerd). She ended all regrets as to giving my wife full custody.

All told, I give the book a 7/10. Good, but you're never going to get laid with a book about dinosaurs.

You earwigs care to disagree? Comment below.

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